OH My God-メンチカツ、自分に勝つ!?

hey everyone, there is an English translation as below, thank you very much

皆様、新年あけましておめでとうございます。新しい年が、皆様にとって幸多い一年でありますよう祈っております。2021年もyoko kijimaのブログをよろしくお願いいたします。



ということで、元旦から縁起をかつぐために、おいしいと評判のお肉屋さんから”メンチカツ”を買っていたので、自分に勝つつもりでおいしく頂きました。元旦から大掃除もしました。まったく季節感のないYOKO KIJIMAのお正月です。風の時代にふさわしく、どんな波乱万丈な人生が、2021年が私を待ち受けてるのでしょうか?今からわくわく楽しみです。

Wishing the year of 2021 will be fulfilled with your happiness and joy. Thank you for your attention and interests to have a look at my blog of  " YOKO KIJIMA"

Since the new year began, My boss at our present company soon emailed me about the news of Corona financial compensation will be finished by the end of February. In fact,
I was supposed to return to work at Haneda International Airport Lounge when the flight will be resumed little by little. However, that  plan was suspended because the Japanese government made an announcement to close our borders temporarily due new variant corona virus occurred. so the company made sure that employees who has no plan to return to workplace in a future will not be able to keep anymore. 

Being honest. I very much appreciate their support from last April to December even it was a handful amount of money. I did anything to make my ends meet since that time.  For example, I had a job at supermarket as a key worker. I was an assistant to help a independent life for intellectual disabilities. and I was an office worker to organize shipping and to check stock of goods.
Regarding my qualification of being therapist, I think it was a good idea to earn through therapy job, but I could not considering an outbreak of corona virus. Through my life, the notice of being unemployed will be a small matter, a kind of tiny, little thing for me. I think I will overcome it and there is no anxiety and uneasiness, because I had an experience. 

To create a small happiness, I had a fried cake of minced beef(the meaning of food is win)
on the 1st day of January although an ordinary Japanese never ate the food as a part of new years celebration. this was my choice. Also, I did cleaning in my whole room as it was supposed to happen in the year end. Considering these situations. I do feel my life of 2021 will be unpredictable and will be brought with so many surprises. I am looking forward to seizing that moment. I promise you. 

a famous fried cake of minced meat at Asagaya


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