My article will be published finally-努力は報われる

Please scroll down as below, there is English translation as below, thank you very much




My article will be published in a magazine of Mr. Partner in July. I wrote about 4 pages about
the experience of complementary therapy at the Royal Free in the UK. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to a publisher of the magazine as well as Keith hunt, my ex-boss, who accepted me as a part of his great team. I could not thank him enough, really

I am still editing about my article, but I just would like to say to you about the importance of seeing is believing. Before I joined his team at the Royal free, I knew there were some of the schools in Japan who teaches the essence of complementary therapy.  I predicted that it might difficult for me to find a place to work even I will learn. I am a qualified therapist in the UK, not Japan. I

 I am afraid to say that we still have a strict and meticulous regulations to install the care services like the UK by the local government guidelines.(Of course, some of the facilities already did it. but not  a main stream)

I hope that qualified therapist might increase  the place to work more like public hospitals, care homes and many more in Japan. Overall, the sense of being there makes people with sickness and disabilities feel relaxed and more comfortable. It then creates a self reassurance and support their life holistically. 

a photo was taken at the royal free in 2018


this magazine features a life and a culture in the UK


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