旅にでます!will leave Japan for the UK soon

自分のやりたいことだけで、生活がまわるとはおもってません。ただチャンスあれば、UKを中心に世界をとびまわる仕事がしてみたいです。人間の命が有限だから、より強く思うのかもしれません。限りのある命を120パーセント楽しませてくれるのは、私の場合、知らない土地の文化に触れること、現地の人のぬくもりを味わうこと、人間の多様性にふれていることです。それをしたいために一人です。常に何かなしとげるには、何かを犠牲にするか、捨てなければいけない人生を、私は歩いてきました。不器用なので、。でも後悔はありません、自分できめて自分で責任とってます。一番いやなのでは、やればよかったと後悔すること、それだけです。さて何がロンドンでまってるか! お楽しみですねー

My 2 younger sisters were furious about my decision to return to London, its was really foolish to go there considering the high risk as they said. I fully understand about their feelings.so I am not against it. I would rather think what I was trying to do is a bit different from other people do. in fact. I decided to work as a bridge creator to connect the UK and Japan depending on client's needs. Then. it was difficult for me to search for the UK situation and scrutinize the information in Japan. Luckily, my boss at passenger service at Haneda Airport told me I stay at home due to the virus. Secretly, I will go to London under the shadow. 

Since I was a child, I think I moved without thinking at all times. therefore, I made so many mistakes even exams and falling in love too. I always choose difficult way which other people are never supposed to do. I am truly convinced that I should have more time to think or take a pause before I go. that is my weakness. or sometimes it is a strong point.
Considering the situation, I try to be a neutral no matter where I go in the UK. I am very happy to accept London itself in a real time. 

In the end, I resigned to work at supermarket and at group home for people with intellectual disabilities. 
they refused me to take a long holiday, so it was inevitable to leave. I fully understand that thigs we like the most has not earned enough to live our lives. I do anything to make my ends meet and I like working very much. If my dream come true, I would like to fly around the world based in the UK. It would be  my pleasure to feel different culture or to share experiences from various countries. I really enjoy learning our human diversity, because our life is limited. I do not regret the time I used and the money I spent to make my aspirations come true. the things I do not like is that I regret that I should do. Life is still unpredictable, it could be anything happened positively or negatively. so I am looking forward to having a time in London. 

with a UK flag.

Tower Bridge.



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