Health is Wealth-英国人の健康観・幸福感
There is an English translation as below, this blog refers to my way of thinking and my belief. thank you very much
英国はNHS(National health serviceという制度があり、誰でも無料でうけれる国民保険サービスがあります。すばらしい制度でありますが、現在慢性的に看護師、医師不足が発生しています。よって病院をすぐに受診したくても時間かかり困ってる人が多いのです。私が知ってる英国人は、この現状を知ってるので、自分で自分の健康を守る人が多いです。又自分の体質にあった代替医療(ホメオパシー、ハーフ、アロマテラピー代表とする植物療法、鍼灸、リフレクソロジー等)自分で選んで自分でセルフケアにしている人もいます。
Before I go home in October, I would like to share with you about sense of health and happiness in the UK. The reason why I decided to pick up is very interesting and intriguing my curiosity towards people in the UK.
I always run no matter where I go around the world. Thanks to the running experiences, I have a great opportunity to get along with new people. The year of 2022 staying the UK is special, because I have expanded to develop a relationship beyond 60 or 70. it is very influential for my life now. I feel as if I could see my future staying by them.
In the UK, there is a NHS(National health service) People in the UK are entitled to have medical service with free of charge. It looks great system, but the service has stretched its budget and they are on its knees due to the shortage of manpower of nurses, doctors, and so on. Considering these situations. I think most of people here tend to be aware of heath and they are proactive before they will become sick. Furthermore, they use NHS services, while they also apply for complementary therapy such as aromatherapy massage, herb or homeopathy treatment, and reflexology any further.
Overall, I think being healthy is continue exercises and continuity makes power. I often come across elderly people who enjoy running with their own pace. they sometimes compete other runners to stimulate their motivation, but the most important thigs is to enjoy running.
Being health endorses elderly to go out and have a beer at pub together and dance with friends. One of my elderly friends once told me that keeping good fiends makes your life more richer and better. and besides. they are not afraid of falling with love.
The sense of being happy vary depending generation, but I personally feel having a time to enjoy ourselves makes our mind and soul being young
with running friends at the regents park this morning
Iron man(スイム、バイク、ラン)大会を完走し、年代別で2位だったという強靭な人
There are lots of park in London
At the track and field inside the park
the illustration of NHS the system is now on its knees due to the shortage of man power and the medical services has been stretched.
英国の医療サービスを代表をするNHS, 英国がEUをぬけたり、コロナもあり、人手が本当に減っています。コロナ前の方が人はいた。医療サービスをうけるのも、順番まちが長く、