To share Onigiri-おにぎりは世界をすくう!?

please scroll down as below, there is an English translation as below, thank you very much

おにぎりといえば、YOKO KIJIMAといわれています。なぜか?あるセレブご用達のホテルで、スパとフィットネスの勤務の際に、いつも若いスタッフが、よーこさんお腹すいたとよくよってきました。私がおにぎりを予備で作ってるのを、若者は知ってるからです。又、ホテルの慈善事業で、新宿ホームレスをしてる人のために、キリスト教会でおにぎりもつくり配りあるいてました。そしてロンドンマラソンのはおにぎりサポートにはいり、パラアスリートの応援とおにぎりも作ってました、これは楽しかったー!!!!





If people think of Onigiri, it occurred the image of YOKO KIJIMA. its absolutely true among my friends and families. When I used to work for spa and fitness at 5 start hotel at the center of Tokyo, other staff knew I have an extra hand made Onigiri just in case, I will be hungry. Most young staff came up to me and asked they are starving at all times which makes me laugh out loud. I then offered it.
Also, the hotel has a volunteer activity in a local community. I often joined to make Onigiri with our team at Christian Church to distribute for homeless people around Tokyo. Furthermore. I was a  part of Onigiri team at London marathon to support and encourage for Para athletes. it was so much fun. 

The reason why I talked to Onigiri today is I offered my hand made onigiri and other one to young homeless people after I finished running at Imperial Palace. I just saw him eating a small bread on my way going back to a running station. He ate slowly and courteously which made me a good impression. I thought  he might think when he could eat again, while I thought about my current situation. I have a part time job and I have a house to sleep and take a bath fortunately. I then decided to give him a small dinner of onigiri.

The young homeless guy was so polite that I was surprised to see his attitude. He was reading a magazine quietly and he never drink an alcohol either. He was not my friends and a person who I know, but I was seriously thinking to learn how I share with people who need help. In the UK, especially on the underground, we frequently meet up with beggar or homeless people. Compared to Japan, foreign people are more stronger than Japanese.
They insist a lot and ask for coin. Some of them badly need help, but others are sometimes pretending they need help.
I think we need experience to discern what is the right one. Considering these situations,  
the local people are willing to help them offering some coins or giving left over sandwiches.

To share Onigiri is a very simple matter, but it meant a lot to me. because I would like to motivate myself from my heart, not calculating reward and loss. we are all humans on the planet. The spirit of paying it forward keep alive as I do hope NOW. 

Onigiri I made it

I did 15K today at the imperial palace



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