Be A Super elderly-年齢を気にせず人が輝く方法

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私は子供の頃から、発達障害があり(おそらくADHD 注意欠陥多動性障害)人と比べては



We are equally getting old and it affects our part of body one after another. 

However, our hearts which means our psyche could be shine through even we are on the verge of death. It brings me a question what I could do to shine through my whole life. 
That is a topic we share with other attendee  at online meeting today, while a guest speaker whose name is Izumi Kubota. She is one of my respectful women being an aromatherapy instructor and as a human. 

Since I was a child, I had a symptom of ADHD(attention deficit or hyperactivity disorder)I was always depressed to compare others. The condition has then worsen through a domestic violence by father and verbal one by my mother. I have not had any total self esteem. but it was implanted and grown through the study of aromatherapy. Choosing my best essential oils was  fun to me. Ms. Kubota also mentioned do not forget you are a main actor on your life journey and you could accept no matter what you could not do things by aging.

Overall. the people who enjoyed their life with a big smile never grow old their heart. they always show their curiosity towards a new thing and they have a very positive way of thinking. Ms. Kubota recommend us not to getting old your emotions which is very important to keep their heart fresh and young. I personally feel our female face tends to express our way of life If we keep on negative or blaming or criticizing a someone, our face is absolutely affected. However, if women feel we are fortunately to stay alive or keep on having appreciation  towards the others. their face is so stunning. It makes people Happy in the end. 

this is a title which I Joined the online meeting


she is very famous fitness instructor who is 89 years old


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